Thursday, April 30, 2009

O, to be like Luna Lovegood

We have been pondering our self worth in the Cleverly home these past few weeks.
Some are entering that phase of life when their self esteem takes a beating on a daily basis and friends don't always treat us how we think we should be treated.
Disclaimer: If your child is a friend to a Cleverly kid, please know that I appreciate everyone of them and KNOW what great kids they are, so please do not be alarmed by this post.
A discussion was needed, because the "Pity Party" was going on way too long.
Our own personal flaws were discussed to remind us that we are not perfect and if we are not perfect should we expect our friends to be perfect?
With chagrin, No.
Maybe a friend doesn't react exactly the way we would like, but should we be oversensitive, which leads to dwelling, which is the invitation to start the "Pity Party"?
No! Unless you are Satan.
Heavenly Father wants us to be tolerant and forgive.
But how?
This is where Luna Lovegood comes in. I hope you know her from Harry Potter. She is cooky and quirky, but most of all self-knowing. Her self-knowing is not something you immediately see. It's camoflauged by her downright weirdness, but when you take time to look past the weirdness and really get to know Luna, that's when you see it. She knows who she is which enables her to NOT dwell on the snickers and comments and names that are directed her way. She is happy with herself.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't necessarily want my kid to be quirky to the point of being weird. I do want them to feel free to be who they are and not worry about every real or perceived injustice. To love themselves. To know they are a daughter of God, that they are talented and likeable and that most of the time they are a good friend. (Remembering that we are not perfect, but we are trying.)
I know this will be a task, we are all self-centered and want the world to go perfectly our way, but it doesn't.
So when the "Pity Party" starts up, remember Luna.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Let's Catch Up!!!

We have been busy, busy, busy in the Cleverly home these last few weeks. Our time has been filled with things that we love so our busyness is enjoyable.
Here is a recap. If you need a nap when your done, catch a few winks for me!!!
London had her first "formal" stake dance. Gratefully Stacey and Melissa have left all their high school formals at mom's, so she had her pick of dresses. She didn't like me taking her picture. She's not really into primping yet. Not one for a lot of make-up or too much time fussing with her hair. She is naturally beautiful and I'm glad she is confident in that. So I had to help her, which was fun but she makes sure to let me know when it's "too much".

The weekend before Easter my whole family, minus Justin and kids, were in town for the weekend. Here is a picture of Jaeger with his Easter Egg haul.
How cute is this!!! Nieces Jayda and Evalie holding hands, it was so precious.


Little girls abound in the Redford family right now and they are very adept at posing for the camera. L-R: Kaylinee, Jade and Evalie

Sweet picture of Kim and Kaylinee!
Grandma did not have the flower bed planted yet, so all the grand kids spent plenty of time digging in the dirt.
We are a soccer family. London's season started a few weeks ago and after a rocky start, won their two games this weekend. She was voted as a captain again along with her friends Hunter and Camiel. She scored the two goals in Saturdays game and Hunter scored the two in Fridays game. It was a good soccer weekend!!!!

Brennan's season ended last Saturday. I believe they won all but one which ended in a tie. They are good little team and have fabulous coaches who offer A LOT!!!!! of positive reinforcement, which I appreciated so much as a parent.
Brennan is #7.
Wow! I'll say it again, Wow!!! Beauty and the Beast was awesome! Isabelle was a village girl or part of the chorus. It was sooooo much work for them, but Isabelle loved it and promptly told us after the last performance that she wanted to do it next year.
Isabelle is our ballerina, and has but one performance a year. She watches her siblings all year long in their sports and never complains that it is unfair.
So when she wanted to do this, I really felt like I should encourage and support her, so I went to the school with her every night, ushered in the theater before it started and then did whatever was needed backstage.
It was a long, but fun week, and I am so impressed with the array of talent in our little community.

This is Isabelle and Jessica (Belle).
Funny story: The week like I said was long. At the beginning I called Jessica by her name, Jessica. Middle of the week, Belle and by the end of the week . . . Isabelle.
Trent is full into farming. Everything is planted except for one circle of potatoes. So we don't see him as much as we would like, but that soon will change.
I am PTAing, Den Leadering and Grease Monkeying around!
I went to my new rheumotologist, my old one retired, and All is Well. What a blessing good medicine is. My lupus has been dormant for 3 years now and I feel great. Every time I go and the doctor tells me I am doing great, it is a reaffirmation of every blessing given and every prayer said.
Good news for Brennan too. He is such a smart kid, but reading is not his forte. Teachers worry, and although I appreciate the concern, I think they jump the gun a little. I knew Brennan would get it if given time. Well, they just did some follow-up testing and he is at grade level, so no longer needs some of the extra help he was getting. We were so proud of him and he was of himself as well. But, what gives me a little vindication is that some of the teacher giving him the "extra help" said that he never really needed it. Trust mother's intuition!
Well, that's about all but it should be enough, don't you think?!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Attention all Redfords!

Sorry to everyone who is not a REDFORD as this post is for them.
The calling tree is not working well for this event so I am posting all info on my blog.


We are so excited to have everyone together this weekend and these are some of the plans and assignments:

1. Sunday dinner after conference: Potato Bar, bring a topping to put on top. Grandma has chicken nuggets for little kids. (In your comment please let me know if you have an idea of what you will be bringing)

2. Easter egg hunt - bring a couple bags of candy to share and 1 dozen empty Easter eggs per kid in your family.

3. I know Kim wanted to do Jaselynne's birthday, but I was thinking that we could do Feb, March and April, for those who have missed birthday's, so this would include Anne, Savana, London, Jaselynne, Jaeger, Jeff and DJ, tell me what you think.

4. FHE - Anne, I believe you said you had an idea for FHE, do you need help with anything?

Thanks everyone and see you soon!

London playing soccer

London playing soccer
Varsity Soccer 2010

Isabelle the Ballerina

Isabelle the Ballerina
First pointe shoes


Hanging out on the potato piler