Monday, May 3, 2010

Tomorrow I turn 20 . . .again!

Tomorrow is my birthday. The big 40. I have really been trying hard to ignore it, or will time to come to a standstill. But unless this wind storm we are having causes the rotation of the earth to reverse and therefore reverse time, the inevitable is happening.
It seems 40 is that age where we reflect back on the life we have lived so far and take inventory. And on the report card of my life I am unsure of the grade I would give myself, I think at this point an "Incomplete" is right. That's OK. My 20's were a whirlwind of playing, dating, finding the man of my dreams, settling into the being married life, starting a family, the brink of discovering who I was. The possibilities were endless. (Notice I started with 20 and not my teens, I have teenagers and all I can say is that I should be grateful to have survived and call turning 20 a New Beginning, hee hee!)
During my 30's I gave myself over to my family. Raising them, caring for them, being mom. Now, they are far from raised but they are little more self sufficient. I think I can take a deep breath and let the pendulum swing. Like I said, in my 20's I was on the brink of discovering who I was. Now I know who I am as a wife, as a mom, as a cub scout leader, as PTA president.
Tomorrow is the day I discover who else I am. The possibilities are still endless.

London playing soccer

London playing soccer
Varsity Soccer 2010

Isabelle the Ballerina

Isabelle the Ballerina
First pointe shoes


Hanging out on the potato piler