Monday, January 31, 2011

There must needs be opposition . . .

I hate opposition. It is so frustrating. I shouldn't complain, actually life has been pretty dang good. We have been blessed with many blessings lately. Some I have been praying for for awhile and am so very grateful. Truth be told it's technically not even "my" opposition. It's London's. She plays soccer and loves it. She has played soccer since she was seven. We did Moses Lake Youth Soccer until she was 11.
She's #2

Then shifted to the traveling IAL (Inter-Association League) team.
The Stryotes (don't ask) . . .

and of late the Varsity team for MLHS.

This picture was taken at the first game of the 2010 Season. ML was down 0-1 with less than 8 minutes left in the game and London scored twice and won the game!!!!! It was an awesome night! Go Chiefs!!!!!

She does well and really loves the sport and the girls she plays with. In fact, she does well enough, that she was invited to tryout and subsequently made a club team. We have, in the past, stayed away from club teams, for a variety of reasons, which included the time commitment, and Sunday games. When the coaches approached London, they mentioned that these girls were busy, i.e. jobs, high school team etc. so they just wanted the girls there when they could and specifically to London, they respected that she didn't play on Sunday and that was fine with them. So we talked it over and decided to try it out.CB United 94
It's has been a good experience. Her coach is very knowledgeable and has taught London a lot.
So where's the opposition?
The season for this team just started and ALL but 1 game is on Sunday. . .ugghhh!
On the positive side, we visited with the coach about it and he has been true to his word and still respects London's decision to not play. No pressure. In fact, he has been working to get a few of the games rescheduled to Saturdays which is a HUGE pain.
The opposition . . . the other players who plead with London to play. (They haven't won yet, they can't score and she's a forward, the one who scores). The parents who out of the goodness of their heart offer, to take London to the games, "If that would help you out?" Another teammates parent who is guest coaching and takes his frustration at her not being at games out on her at practice and treats her not so nicely.
It's only soccer. Right? Will she do anything with it after high school? We'll see.
She is a good sport about it. She knows the commandment . . .Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. I think she hopes she will be blessed for being obedient, so do I.
And I want her to be a successful soccer player, but more than that I want her to be a young woman of integrity.
So for now, we stand strong, remembering that other gospel principle - There must needs be opposition in All things.

London playing soccer

London playing soccer
Varsity Soccer 2010

Isabelle the Ballerina

Isabelle the Ballerina
First pointe shoes


Hanging out on the potato piler