Tagged me.
The Rules:
•Link the person(s) who tagged you.
•Mention the rules on your blog.
•Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
•Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
•Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
Six unspectacular quirks about me.
1. I like things that smell good. I like to smell Trent's armpits. His deodorant with his pheremones make me happy. I like my house to smell good. Whether it's bleach or a candle, whatever, it just can't smell bad or like nothing. I love the smell of roses, honeysuckle and lavender. (All grow in my garden) I love freshly cut hay. I am very scent oriented. Even I have to absolutely wear perfume EVERYDAY!
2. I'm extremely curious. When I'm with Trent I am forever asking him questions. I have to know how and why everything is the way it is.
3. I love languages. I studied french in high school and college and will sometimes talk to my kids in french ("un petite peu", a little bit). The most common phrase is "assez toi" or sit down :) DJ don't edit, I'm sure I haven't conjugated my verbs properly.
4. Unlike my sister Melissa I am highly unpolitically minded. I could care less. I too am Canadian but have always been proud of that, but that is where I was born. I'm still not an American citizen. Oh well, one day.
5. I love music. All kinds, as you can see by my short but eclectic playlist.
6. I love reading. This is a problem since when I am enjoying a really good book I am hardpressed to do anything else. This is partially why when I started reading the Twilight Saga I didn't function in any other capacity for a week and lost 5 pounds.
P.S. I just read my quirk list to Trent and he said "Are you putting this on your blog?" I said "Yes." And he rolled his eyes and said " Okaaay?!"
The rules did say quirks right?